I'm English and so have no dog in this particular fight. It seems to me that you lot are unlikely, whatever the outcome, to end up with a first-class president, but if Trump or Harris is the best you can find, so be it.
One thing does strike me, having kept a weather eye on the discussion over the last few months. While you all, with one or two exceptions, derive what I must assume to be enormous pleasure from shouting into the echo chamber of Trump mockery, some, most or all of which may be entirely justified, I don't recall having read a single supportive comment about Harris (no doubt I'll be corrected if I've missed something). A widely-held view on this side of the Atlantic, at least until a couple of months ago, was that she was perhaps the only Democrat more likely than Biden to lose to Trump, but that's not something one often hears now. Of course, as we very well know over here, if your opponents are sufficiently disliked it's possible to win, and to win big, merely by being blandly innocuous. Is that the idea?
Just curious.