Have you been asleep the last couple of decades, but particularly the last 2-3 years? One saw an opportunity to show what's wrong with this government and how to change course, the other to defend the abysmal record of the current $%@* in chief.
I guess what I was getting at is why governors from two different states feel the need to debate each other at all. If they want to comment on the current political situation, they have ample opportunity to do so.
The later response from "digitaldog" suggests that this a long-term political marketing. I can see that as motivation, but it doesn't seem to me to be a good motivation. If I were living in either state, I'd be wondering why my guy isn't at work instead of doing TV shows. Don't they have enough work to do? And who is going to remember this debate in 2028 (or even 2024)? Unless they're both running and facing each other at that time, it seems like a pointless exercise.
Did anyone watch? What were the ratings like?
Just seems like BS to me. Years ago when I lived in Toronto, city council voted to make Toronto a nuclear-free zone. Empty rhetoric, it's not like anyone was proposing building either nuclear reactors or weapons in the city. Presumably, hospitals got to keep their nuclear medicine departments. I never heard of radiation patients being bussed outside city limits.