As an aside, who's tracing and tracking and quarantining in any of the 50 states? Is that constitutional? You're going to lock people up for 14 days without a court order? Shades of Japanese internment camps of WWII? Who's doing this in Europe? Canada? Australia?
Well I can only speak for Australia.
Any new arrival from anywhere, even Australians, if they are more than 20 minutes from home, must spend 14 days in quarantine. They are taken by bus from the tarmac.
It is in a 5 star hotel paid for by the state government. They can not leave the room. Police and military (unarmed) enforce it. All meals are brought to them. After 14 days they are given a letter saying they have been quarantined and taken to the airport to catch a flight domestically.
We have a Covid Safe App that works on Bluetooth for Apple and Android. It is voluntary but to date about 5 million out of 25 million population have downloaded it. The Federal government wants 8 million.
This morning we had no new cases (first time) from about 8000 tests and no deaths in NSW which has a population of about 7.5 million. They are testing anyone with any flu like symptoms however mild. Kids are now going back to school and restaurants are being progressively reopened with restrictions from Friday. Many are saying they are staying closed because they are uneconomical to open with reduced seating.
There are a few Covidiots protesting about their freedom and they get a $1000 first offence social distancing fine for their trouble. Most are just doing the right thing. The government is paying $1500 per fortnight as a Jobkeeper Payment to keep people employed, which is more money than they sometimes earn anyway. Not sure how long they will keep doing that.