Hi Rob,
Would you please post this on the Epson Google forum. That is where you will get a clear response from current users of this machine.
https://groups.io/g/EpsonWideFormatEveryone should post their experiences with these new printers in all the forums, including this one.
It’s the only user experience we have.
I have discussed this unit with people who love them that use them in a production situation daily. I’m in the market for a new one so I’ve had discussions with several people using multiple brands who have made me prints from my files. By far the best prints I’ve had done were on the 9570. The neutral black and white is spectacular and I’m very picky about it. The gloss differential on bw fiber gloss media and color as well is better than any pigment printer using oem inks I’ve ever used and I’ve had all the major brands. The dither is clearly better than the Canons and the HPZ. There is no way I can stomach Canons bw and their sad software for driving it.
In my opinion Canon and Hp have clearly gone backwards .
I want a new 44 that does everything well, but I’m trying to hold off until this fall. I’m not convinced about any of them right now. There are all kinds of supply chain issues with Asia and a lot of sloppiness the last year. There were lots of issues with the new Epsons during the pandemic with people having them rebuilt in their studios . I also heard the same kind reports initially from resellers about the P20,000s that eventually got straightened out.
I thought they had resolved all the head strike horrors by now. Even one bad head strike can kill a head. An Epson tech told me that. And the heads on these are over three grand plus labor. So they have to stay in warranty.
I actually have seen no more bad comments about the 9570s on the Epson form all summer. But that doesn’t prove anything. You never know what is really going on out there. Usually people don’t post when things are going great.
Are they giving you a new printer or did you refuse one and ask for your money back? It could be you got a real lemon that came out early on, that they should have completely replaced.
There seems to be a lot of happy people running the 7570s which I guess is somewhat irrelevant.
I wish I had an idea about what is going on. I hope they aren’t the 9900s all over again with really inconsistent quality control in manufacture spanning everything from excellent units to hundreds of never ending nightmares for years and years.
Dear readers - I'm new to the forum so hope I'm doing this correctly.
I have a warning about buying a P9570. I will try to make this short:
I have spent the last 9 months attempting to get my new P9570 to work properly, unsuccessfully and now Epson is buying it back from me. I have had 6 visits from 4 technicians, one telling me that he replaced "basically everything" and the unit still won't work properly. Two dead heads. Constant head strikes on the papers.
My warning is that when they finally (after waiting for 2 months) sent me the empty packaging I'm to use to get the unit properly packaged to ship back to them, I saw on the side of the packaging a label. "Refurbished Unit'
This worries me tremendously. I am worried Epson is not listening to me or using any common sense at all. If how they have behaved during the Buyback process is any indication, I wonder if they even know what's going on with this unit.
This unit is HIGHLY defective. I have run a printing business in New York for 8 years. I know what I'm talking about. This printer is unusable.
In case they're going to "fix" this printer and then sell it to you as a refurbished unit, MAKE SURE you don't buy it. The serial number is X6FA000713. You're best to make sure that if you're buying a refurbished unit, it is not this one. Trust me on this one. It's been a nightmare.