Exactly - he lifts me up too. I would never try to shoot like him, that would be impossible, but he inspires me. And I appreciate his humble confidence.
I have been more presumptuous than you: I have tried to ape his work and can't, not only because my eyes are not his eyes, but even if they were, neither he nor I could do it today because that world wherein lies his non-fashion reputation no longer exists as it did. The forties and fifties are long gone. He has been lucky in that respect: the modern world simply can't ever compete with him in any meaningful way. And in my case, I don't even have a real city! That's a part of what I do like about the Japanese shooter in the debate Ivo started: his locations, regardless of how he has used them, are exciting.
Actually, there are some digital images of Leiter's around on the web, and even he can't compete with his old self because the digital cameras don't give him what outdated stock once did. The late stuff just doesn't look like his film images: too crisp and lacking the homely touch of muted colours even when they were actually strong, if that makes sense. However, if he'd had time to get deeply into Photoshop, he could perhaps have pulled it off, but would he have really wanted to do himself over? I'm sure he didn't see himself as his present-day fans do; perhaps he couldn't see the differences between his film and digital stuff simply because he was too close. And if he could, would he have cared in the same way as we might?
I once placed a link on LuLa to the Leiter interview (
In no great hurry) that was made shortly before his time ran out; well worth watching if it is still a live link. It was available to buy on Amazon; perhaps it still is. It was ultimately quite sad to watch: an old man rummaging through his stuff, discovering old material from Soames, finding old boxes of he knew not what... now and then I try to clean up my life in case I manage to get a sale and have quickly to leave the apartment in which I have lived for almost forty years: after five minutes it breaks my heart and I put everything back where it was and I tell myself that if the time comes, I can be ruthless when I have to be that way, and dump the memories then.