It's interesting that quite a few of the former Trump associates and fans turned later against him.
For example, Anthony Scaramucci, Michael Cohen, Lev Parnas and others. These are people who knew Trump quite well, up close and personal.

Let me get this straight, you actually take seriously a man under federal indictment, out on bail, for lying and falsifying documents, and who's ground breaking documents sent to the dems are handwritten notes on hotel stationary? Even after everyone in Ukraine said this guy cant be trusted or taken seriously? This is your new savior?
And the Mooch, who only lasted two weeks, was ridiculed by the media the entire time, finally fired for being a wacko (like seriously he was one of the craziest personalities we have seen in politics ever), but now he is what you are holding onto.
LOL, you guys really are getting desperate.
I guess if my idols were saying that it was inevitably that we would be loosing, I would too.

“They will mark this day ... as the day Donald Trump was reelected because once again the Democrats, the liberals, the left couldn’t get it together,” Micheal Moore predicted last week. (Just in case you forgot, Moore called the election in 2016.)
Another, “I didn’t see anybody ... that really said ‘I’m taking charge, I can be president,’” Sharpton.
Another, “There was nothing I saw tonight that would be able to take Donald Trump out,” Van Jones.
On top of that, you have AOC and her squad supporting radical progressives in moderate districts, pretty much telling all of America that if you are not a far left wing Marxist, we don't want you in the party. And yes, AOC is the voice of the party now whether you like it or not. Pelosi capitulated that to her last year when she failed to get her caucus to condemn anti-semitism in the Democratic party, which has only increased since then btw.