Of course it does... every 11 years.
Since climate is an average of weather events, we would need very accurate, numerous and wide-spread monitoring devices to confidently detect any slight change in climate during short periods of time on a global scale, but that doesn't mean the climate is not slowly changing from year to year. Something as complex and chaotic as the climate cannot possibly remain static.
That the average global temperature is claimed to have increased by approximately 1 degree Centigrade during the past 170 years does not sound alarming to me, especially considering that this figure is unlikely to be accurate due to the lack of sufficient measuring devices in the past, globally.
That most of this warming is claimed to have occurred since the 1950's, when I was a young kid at school, also doesn't seem alarming. One of the reasons I decided to emigrate to Australia is because I didn't like the bloody cold weather in the UK.

I'm currently in Thailand because I find the winter in semi-tropical Brisbane, Australia, is uncomfortably cold, and decided to holiday in a warmer climate. I recall in June this year, in Brisbane one day, watching the world weather report on TV. The forecast for the following day was a maximum of 20 degree C in Brisbane, and a maximum of 20 degrees C in London. What a coincidence I thought. In London it's summer time, and in Brisbane it's winter time.
I'm sure glad I'm not in the UK, I felt. A rise in average temperature of just 0.8 degrees since the 1950's would not have been enough for me, had I remained n the UK.