Very cool. Well done!
Since we're going for graphics, one would be inclined to go for a pure square crop maybe? If not square, then maybe something slightly more traditional, closer to 3:2. (Or even wider if you simply extend the background).
For non-square format, somehow the amount of yellow seems slightly off balance, but I have no idea why... The streaks are highly asymmetrical which throws off the balance in a nice way, but the amount of yellow somehow does not. Again, purely intuitive.
As an abstract it works wonders though, especially if you leave out the explanation. You could maybe try a slightly different blue (by wb adjustment), so it is slightly less warm, to better complement the yellow and it would at the same time be more reminiscent of sky. This may even help
if you want the viewer to eventually "understand" this as yet & boat.
These comments are meant as appreciation of a very cool abstract.