What's good about the photos is that Sarah seems to be imitating the soft, dark, moody effect one of my favorite photographers: Rob C!
(If the weather gets better, I may try to go out lensing this afternoon.)
Glad to note your sense of humour remains intact!
Actually, were I to get the opportunity again, she does very much what I would love to try out for myself with clothes. I never did shoot girls that way, and truth to tell, had it not been for the Internet and my rediscovery of Saul Leiter (after several decades), it's likely I'd have stopped doing anything at all on retirement. Getting out of realism and into my little world of half-seen, half-understood images has made it all quite new for me again, but even so, there are times I find motivation pretty scarce.
I suppose there's the demon of time running out that undermines me every so often.
Youth is so often thrown away on doing the wrong things, even as we often know exactly what we do as we do it. Better late than never! I think.
Went for all the pre-cataract briefings and tests today, and apparently the anaesthetic consists of drops in the eye, plus a line to a calming solution. Don't much like the idea of that last bit very much; I fear addiction!