All these suggestions are boring! Clearly the answer is a
Phase One IQ4 150mp.
Great ES, live view, live raw histogram, and live focus peaking means it can be used on a tech body with literally any lens, since you don't need a body shutter or control of the leaf shutter in the lens
- Best dynamic range of any camera available
- Very very good color, especially when paired with Capture One since the camera and software are both made by the same team
- Up to 150 mp for those lenses that cover the full 645 sensor and have enough sharpness to justify it, optional 38 megapixel reduced-res raw file for when using a lens with
big buttery bokeh but not much absolute resolving power.
- Great native body/lens options for when you want modern performance rather than to use your legacy lenses
Needless to say this isn't the
least expensive option. But it is the
best camera to use with MF lenses!