Beautiful Matt. In fact, as Eric describes, I ruined my first digital K10D camera when I slipped and fell on moss covered rock, and came down with crash and thud. Knocked the lens right off the camera and landed on my shoulder. Ouch. It was either that or my head. Ironically, the lens still lives!!
Thanks. I've lost two cameras over the years to that kind of mishap. One was a tripod tip with my two week old K-1 (first full frame digital for me) which I got repaired but that camera was never quite the same after that and I eventually replaced it with the one I used here, the K-1 mkii.
The other one was a white camera body (but black lens) that I dropped in a ski crash on a steep mountainside after a 4 foot storm in a boulder field. Never saw it again.

BUT I have never dropped one in the river! (knocks on wood) I'm going to try and keep that trend going.