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Author Topic: What is Geo Magazine paying for pictures & articles?  (Read 5054 times)


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Re: What is Geo Magazine paying for pictures & articles?
« Reply #20 on: April 18, 2019, 08:43:25 am »

I think that a huge part of the problem now is that the client thinks they know about digital photography.

I wouldn't claim to have a clue what's involved in the work of a plumber or an electrician.

But, everyone, however tangentially, is involved in photography now in a way that they never were in the days of film. Social media is the main culprit in this regard, in my view. There is a perception that it's both cheap and easy. So, how can I be charging what I'm charging?

Film photography was bloody hard work, and I was paid well for it. But, now I turn up with multiples of the value equipment that I had in film days (more so if one takes into account what's back at base for processing and storage) and I'm expected to work for less than the plumber who has equipment overheads less than mine.

Now more than ever, you have to be offering something the next guy isn't. Even then it has never been tougher.

I'm in my late 50s and have had a good run. But, if I was in my mid-20s I wouldn't be considering the freelance commercial route again if I wanted to be in photography. I would be considering staff work, teaching or some such.

It's never been tougher out there.



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Re: What is Geo Magazine paying for pictures & articles?
« Reply #21 on: April 18, 2019, 11:27:42 am »

The ‘vanity work’ has been going on for a long time. I had a major syndicated TV fishing show hire me to fly up to the Northwest Territories to do their still work. They were so full of themselves they actually thought that I would do it for free, but they would cover my travel, food & accommodations. I told them to stuff it. But they found someone who couldn’t wait to be in their presence. Excuse me while I puke.
Terry McDonald -
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