A couple of years ago I had sudden case of CRVO ("Central Retina Vein Occlusion") in my left (non-dominant) eye, which has permanently damaged the retina, but only right in the middle, so I can't see clearly anything in that eye except by looking a little to the side. An injection in that eye every three months improves vision enough so that the left eye at least is able to assist the better right eye with stereo vision.
In addition, I had cataracts removed from both eyes about a year ago, so now I have good distant vision in the right eye, but need reading glasses to read anything in normal size type. Previously I had worn trifocals for many years.
P.S. My cataract operations were about a month apart, and they worked nicely.
And, the good right eye gets a daily eyedrop to keep the pressure normal.
At least I only need one good eye to do photography.