The main thing, Slobodan, is the look in the guy's eyes. He's into the music. You caught that.
Yes, Russ, thanks.
As a side comment, about those eyes, from a different perspective: we've been flooded recently by posts about sharpening, mostly post-processing related. In one of those threads, I made two observations: 1. sharpness is overrated and 2. modern camera/lens combinations are already detailed/sharp enough, before post-processing. The screenshot on the left is straight-out-of-camera, with just default (capture) sharpening in LR. The screenshot on the right is after somewhat aggressive post-processing sharpening (noise reduction 20; then 75-1-55-60 sharpening). While the improvement is visible (also thanks to increased contrast and clarity), it is relevant only in comparison, both content-wise and detail-wise. I could have lived with the default version just as well.