Executive Summary:Packed grids of the same size offer little advantage over conventional grids for larger patch counts over 1000 in terms of averge dEs. However, they signficantly reduce the dEs associated with the worst 20% of dEs and most especially, the worst 5%.
In particular, The average dEs of the packed grid with a count of 1729 patches is virtually identical to that of the conventional grid of 4096 patches for the worst 5% of dEs.
DetailI return to evaluate packed v standard grid patch performance with a set of 3 packed grid patches and 3 standard grid patches using a very large (1940) set of independent color patches randomly distributed in the printer's RGB device space.
There are 3 conventional grid patch sets and 3 packed grid sets of similar sizes. They are:
Conventional: 343, 1728, and 4096 patch counts which are grids of 7x7x7, 12x12x12, and 16x16x16.
Packed: 341, 1729, 3925 patch counts which are grids of 6x6x6, 10x10x10, 13x13x13 each of which has an inset grid with the same spacing and patches centered in the cubes of its surrounding grid.
These 3 sets are close enough in patch counts to produce a good performance comparison of the two approaches.
High precision is obtained by using a very large set of patches together with the patch targets scrambled and combined into 14, 957 patch sheets. It's possible to find even tiny differences in performance as the standard deviation of the means decreases in proportion to the square root of the number of patches in a group.
Further, the large number of patches allows closer examination of the characteristics of outliers and not just total averages. When looking at outliers, like the 1% that are the worst, it's important to get enough patch samples to reduce the impact of paper/printer anomalous results which can easily produce dE's of 1 or more on exactly the same color.
Here are two chart pairs, one for Argyll created profiles and one for I1Profilers using the highest quality settings. The chart's X axis is percent of patches that are at or below the dE00 shown in the Y axis. The colors represent the patch size of charts, red for the smallest, black for the largest. Solid lines are from the packed, dashed from the conventional grids.
Each chart pair has the full range of 1% to 99% on the left, and an expanded range showing outliers 80% to 99% on the right.
A few points of note.The packed, 341 chart shows that only about 1 in 10 printed colors exceeded .95 dE while the 343 patch conventional grid chart shows 1 in 10 exceeded 1.07 dE for I1Profiler profiles. Interestingly, the Argyll profiles showed worse performance 1.02 dE and 1.23 dE respectively.
For the large (4k) patch sets, the differences between I1Profiler and Argyll patches reversed. One in ten patches of the both the 3925 packed and 4096 conventional profile exceeded .60 dE however, for the Argyll profile 3925 packed patches dE dropped to .54.
Generally, the Argyll profiles reduced outliers the most for large patch sets and noticeably so for the larger packed, profiles.
The I1Profiler packed 1729 profile performed as well as the conventional, 4096 patch profile keeping the dE below 1.0 for 97% of the independent colors.
The packed 3925 patch Argyll profile printer 99% of all 1940 patches with a dE of 1.0 or lower.