I'll have to put Gomorra on my list as well.
But first I've got to see if I can find any leftover sheets of Velite printing-out paper, from about the same era as Velox. You made contact prints using Velite by setting your paper+negative+glass sandwich out somewhere that the full sun could blast it for a half hour or so, until the image looked right, and then processing the print normally in ordinary room light.
Ah, the good old days!
I bet that's what the digital printer manufacturers were thinking about originally, then realised the money was in the ink!
Did I mention, at least a dozen times, that my A3+ HP printer lies gathering dust, and awaits a body stronger than I am today to come visiting so I can dump it (the machine)?
[Had a viewer for the apartment today, but the guy's about my own age and much less physically able, so I don't think it'll go anywhere. A positive, though (we must ever seek such things), is that it forced me to apply some polish and clean the windows over two days.]
There is always a secret plan, concerning every one of us, working out there in the ether.