I don't know if others have noticed or not, but spelling errors, grammar errors, and sentences that don't make sense, are all part of the new normal. It used to be that if a misspelling occurred in newspaper articles, there would be reader complaints, and apologies from the paper. Almost all of my reading now is online and I probably see 2-5 errors a day. Magazines and newspapers have cut back so much on staff, and today’s competitiveness to get the story out first, means that efficiency cuts out the editing job. It used to bother me, but I've got over it....they aren't even teaching cursive writing in school anymore, young people don't wear watches because they have their phones, the world is full of Lol's, rotfl's. It's a different generation that cares about the big picture, but isn't as fastidious with the details. It's not going away, so you might as well get used to it. I don't think an editor is required, I am happy seeing Josh in the CEO role, I've enjoyed his articles so far, and it's refreshing to have new-old blood. This site needs to attract new up and comers as others have said, there are a lot of old guys on this site. I have followed LuLa since it’s beginning, and it used to be excellent. I thought I was missing things when I didn't join, so I joined and I wasn't missing anything. Those videos done in the camera shop with 3 old guys giggling and drinking too much whiskey were not anything close to what will attract Millennials, or women, for that matter. If you don't get new content that will attract new younger photographers, male and female, the site will die as the average age goes higher. That's what we need Josh and Irene for. There is no room for all the mocking and horror about Josh and Irene's backgrounds. Everyone one of us have qualities and knowledge we bring to the table that contribute to the overall picture and we need to take advantage of that, because that is where new ideas and new creativity come from. I look forward to the future here, where I was ready to sign off the site before.