Sorry you did this in IR. The two tiny ones make it damn good street...
Why are you sorry he shot it IR?
You wouldn't understand even if I explained it, Fab.
Come on Russ, you can't just drop a line like that into your comments and then not be prepared to explain it to Fab, especially when he asked you in such a nice manner. In fact I would also like to know why you are sorry this is an IR image?
So come on Russ, throw all us 'lower' forms, of non 'Street' types of photographer in the 'Landscape' section, a few more pearls of your wisdom?
I am smiling as I write this Russ, so I am not trying to have a dig at you here (although having re-read my comment, I probably am), but I really would also like to know why you made the first comment and then why you were so dismissive to Fab in the second...?