Well, this shot cost me a day and about $400 to rekey... The night before as I was shooting the northern lights at this same spot, somehow the rental car key fell out of my pocket and vanished. The sea ice was moving, so it likely got gobbled by the Icelandic troll that monitors these seascapes. Legend has it that Hvitserkur is a petrified troll. It also could easily have been the elves. Regardless, I was incredibly lucky to have some photographers from Spain come back to shoot sunrise, cart me to the freeway (loosely called that) and land a ride from the north all the way to Reykjavik, then somehow hitch all the way back up before thanks to the lady running the hotel Hvitserkur who came and got me at the highway. What an adventure... And a cold one. Hitching at -8 seems to have advantages as it seems you get picked up fairly quickly. I guess they feel sorry for you.