A bit of a cliché, but mine nevertheless.
I am thinking of going for a tour with my camera around the Smokey Mountains, Blue Ridge Mountains and the Skyline Drive area etc and this is a shot I definitely had in mind to take myself, as it reminds me of some of the shots from one of MR's VJ workshops in this area (
link here). Which every time I watch it, it gives me the desire to go there and shoot this type of shot and from what I see of other photographers images from these locations, I think I have a very good chance of getting one very much like it myself.
Oh and there is nothing wrong with shooting clichés Slobodan, as I can't see why we would ever want to try and restrict ourselves by setting limits on what we can shoot, just because someone else has shot it before and if you enjoyed yourself, then what's not to like?
So yes, nice image and I fully intend to get one of my own just like it someday
