During the summers it seems like every other small town has a festival of some sort. One popular type is the "threshing bee," where folks bring their old tractors and harvesting equipment and show it in action. There's also the obligatory noon tractor parade. These threshing bees are generally attended by anywhere from several hundred to as many as >100K. The annual show in Butterfield, Minnesota (~15K attendees) is typical, and people of all ages come. Along the route of the "parade of tractors" I spotted a jovial looking guy sitting in a golf cart with his faithful wiener dog. I struck up a short conversation, and asked for a photo. He (and dog) obliged. I'm not sure why I like this one so much, but I do. Maybe it's the guy's goofy grin, mirrored by his canine companion. I find it quite engaging! I'm not sure if it's "street" photography, but I think it's close enough.
Camera was the Leica IIIc, 50mm f3.5 Elmar, Ilford FP4+.
One of the things I like about this camera, lens, and film is
the striking 3D quality it gives to the images.
Kent in Sd