Having commented in the past about the fairly large differences printer manages v Photoshop manages for color reproduction I thought an experiment showing how a Colorchecker prints differently between the two processes. The attached images demonstrate the rather extreme lightening and increase in saturation that occurs on my Canon 9500 II just letting the printer print v properly color managed process.
I started with a Colorchecker CGATS color set from BabelColor. Created a CC image from them and converted it to sRGB. The conversion changes the cyan patch reducing saturation a bit but not any of the others.
Then I made a tiff image of the printed colors showing on the right side of each patch the starting CC color and the left side the color printed. One set is printed with Printer Manages using the defaults in the Windows driver, the other was made using Photoshop Manages with a custom profile and Perceptual Intent. The paper used was Canon Pro Platinum.
What is most startling is that Printer Manages pushes saturation (check the cyan patch). It also lightens most all the print colors a huge amount. Some of the colors are beyond sRGB even though the original was sRGB.
This is not a result of manufacturing tolerance. It's almost certainly intentional. Assuming Canon did research that shows people like casual snapshots printed this way what does this tell us? Perhaps this can be explained by CIECAM02? I would expect something like this to be done using CIECAM02 converting from a luminance of 500 Lux to say, 150 Lux.
See this link:
https://sites.google.com/site/clifframes/ciecam02pluginAnyone here consider the use of CIECAM02 or tweak images to accomplish these large shifts?
First image is CC and Printer Manages, second image is CC and Perceptual with Photoshop Manages.