one of your 'tips' is rather disturbing.
you observed that the DOF was narrowed (shorter) than for other equivalent non-DO lenses.
What I am saying, is that for a 100% crop which is equivalent to a 60 x 90 cm (24 x 36 inches) image at 96 dpi (with any lens) shot at 2.5 m (8 feet), I consider a depth of field of about 5 mm (1/5 inch)...
I just used a 0,006 mm cercle of confusion instead of the usual 0,018 mm value for a 1.6 crop camera to take into account the larger print looked from very near.
Considering bokeh, I have made a few tests :
- overall bokeh appearance is not changed,
- there is a small bokeh texture difference near the focus point, but I do not have the equipment to really make a rule out of it.