Don't give up Rob. Sure people focused on what they knew and wanted to correct but such is life. If I gave up when I got irrelevant comments I'd be missing out on the good stuff too.
I'll comment on the photograph - but you may not like it and you might quite reasonably question my competence to do so!
I find the darker areas dominate the frame and while there is detail in there it doesn't offer much reward for looking there. The building itself is quite interesting but it is what it is and personally I would have corrected the verticals etc. but that's personal taste. I have to say I wouldn't have taken the photograph at all but if I had done so then I think I would have moved (to my left I think) so that the tree on the left framed the building and to reveal more of the building while allowing the tree on the right to maintain its framing.
Once again I would probably have been more brutal on the processing of the sky to try and draw out the clouds and texture.
Your comments about the 7:6 ratio I don't understand. You can easily do this in post processing so what's the problem? I like square photographs and shoot accordingly using the native 3:2.
In summary please don't give up on us