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Re: Without Prejudice 3
« Reply #940 on: January 12, 2018, 07:00:21 pm »

~ O ~
If you can stomach it: pictures

Patricia Sheley

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Re: Without Prejudice 3
« Reply #941 on: January 12, 2018, 10:41:16 pm »

Lost passage~
A common woman~

Eric Myrvaagnes

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Re: Without Prejudice 3
« Reply #942 on: January 12, 2018, 11:52:52 pm »

And another winner, Patricia!
-Eric Myrvaagnes (visit my website:


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Re: Without Prejudice 3
« Reply #943 on: January 13, 2018, 09:12:19 am »

Patricia's 2997 shot is indeed Tolkinian :-)

I seem to have accidentally created a series on chairs, or one chair in particular. Here is its latest appearance:

Rob C

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Re: Without Prejudice 3
« Reply #944 on: January 13, 2018, 11:59:13 am »

Patricia's 2997 shot is indeed Tolkinian :-)

I seem to have accidentally created a series on chairs, or one chair in particular. Here is its latest appearance:

Well, I'll grant you this: as fetish it out-values Ms Coke, because at least you can sit on it without risking life, not to mention disgrace at the local hospital.

Regarding the Louis Faurer purchase: as you'd expect from Steidl, you get a wonderful print job. Nice paper, and the inks have a glow that I like. The text is also interesting and quite descripitve, but the images disappointed me. Oh, there's nothing wrong with them at all, and very reminiscent of the Leiter b/white pairing, but as my knowledge of his work has been mostly inspired by his efforts for the two fashion bibles, it comes as a huge disappointment to find no fashion work therein. The text refers to a dearth of such material surviving, yet the Internet is replete with his fashion work, and he uses a few of the same girls that did William Klein for his fashion shoots. Every bit as beautiful (and considering lack of Photoshop at the time), if not even more so than do our own era's supermodels, those ladies looked like class, not just expensive glamour. The proverbial duchess, as it might be said, which has, again, not a lot to do with duchesses at all, though I have to say that the Spanish Queen is some elegant lady!

Had this book been physically visible and not bought on the Internet, would I have bought it? Perhaps, but not at the first look at it. There are other publications I would rather have sprung for, but c'est la vie. And thinking of springing, maybe Steidl could have provided a dust jacket...but they do include a little ribbon for marking your page. Hmmm.

Another thing that I found strange: though the same gallery that represents Leiter also contributed to the book, nowhere is there mention of Leiter, though there is of Eggleston, which seems more than a little perverse. Yes, Robert Frank and Arbus as well as Helen Levitt are mentioned along with others of that NY School, but no Leiter. Distinctly and disturbingly odd. I wonder what political games are afoot there!


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Re: Without Prejudice 3
« Reply #945 on: January 13, 2018, 01:56:21 pm »

Well, I'll grant you this: as fetish it out-values Ms Coke, because at least you can sit on it without risking life, not to mention disgrace at the local hospital.

Not entirely : this chair is in fact not the same as the earlier chair... I removed it from the spare room when I decided to clean it out and declare it the studio. Its duties for the last few years were limited to holding up boxes of paper, because the back will fall off with even minor encouragement. Otoh, hypothetical injuries would be more easily explained.

One of the challenges of making one's home. Did I post this one before?


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Re: Without Prejudice 3
« Reply #946 on: January 13, 2018, 02:01:05 pm »

I can't remember if it was a bus or train station.

The descending stairwell to the left suggests trains. What I find striking is how much it reminds me of the Station Françia on the north side of Barcelona: not the painting, but the proportions of the space. There must be a generic form to train-station ticket-halls... or not.


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Re: Without Prejudice 3
« Reply #947 on: January 13, 2018, 03:35:55 pm »

On the subject of recent book purchases, I plunged for Crewdson's Cathedral of the Pines. I'm very happy with it, even if I'm not convinced his production budget was really necessary, other than for creating a story to market the photos. Oh well, you have to spend money to make money, musn't go spoiling the industrial adages...  :D

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Re: Without Prejudice 3
« Reply #948 on: January 13, 2018, 03:52:02 pm »

Dark and moody. Really comes through, Patricia.

Rob C

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Re: Without Prejudice 3
« Reply #949 on: January 13, 2018, 05:32:36 pm »

On the subject of recent book purchases, I plunged for Crewdson's Cathedral of the Pines. I'm very happy with it, even if I'm not convinced his production budget was really necessary, other than for creating a story to market the photos. Oh well, you have to spend money to make money, musn't go spoiling the industrial adages...  :D

Spend money to make money. Yes, spend client money, not your own. I was just thinking about this the other day when I opened the cabinet and saw the D700 wrapped up in its dish towel, almost never used (the camera) because the other one, though a lesser creature, has some mojo about it, just like Norman Parkinson's magic hats. The thought registered that of the many bits of glass and stuff that I bought after retiring, most of it lies unused, the one that sees most daylight being the af G version of the 1.8/50mm. It's the case, because on the D200 it is a 75mm equivalent, even if still a bit shorter than I'd have liked. An 85mm would be handy instead, giving me a bit more reach without going to the 180mm which becomes too obvious at times. The wonderful 105 Micro and fantastic 2.8/135 are manual focus, and off a tripod I may as well just go feed the nag. My beloved 500 reflex has nobody to grace, around whom to create halos of glory; it just sulks silently in its leather case. Which reminds me: Nikkors all used to come in clever, clear Perspex cases or in leather ones. Today, you are lucky to get the cardboard box. Maybe Leica does it better, but never having bought one, I don't know.

The book I should have bought, though I forgot about it when I ordered the Faurer, was the Ernst Haas one called Color Corrections. Age, the bitch!

But hey, you gotta hang on in there and think of something else. That's where music saves your hide.


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Re: Without Prejudice 3
« Reply #950 on: January 13, 2018, 05:35:39 pm »

Not entirely : this chair is in fact not the same as the earlier chair... I removed it from the spare room when I decided to clean it out and declare it the studio. Its duties for the last few years were limited to holding up boxes of paper, because the back will fall off with even minor encouragement. Otoh, hypothetical injuries would be more easily explained.

One of the challenges of making one's home. Did I post this one before?

Not that I remember, you didn't, but I'm glad that you did. You really do have a great eye for city stuff.


Patricia Sheley

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Re: Without Prejudice 3
« Reply #951 on: January 13, 2018, 07:23:46 pm »

"...because the back will fall off with even minor encouragement."
As will even the most fine fine and precious of city porcelaine if pushed beyond its brink, yet receiving and expressing living sweet light, just as fine~I find your resting place quite fetching.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2018, 07:45:14 pm by Patricia Sheley »
A common woman~

Patricia Sheley

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Re: Without Prejudice 3
« Reply #952 on: January 13, 2018, 07:35:41 pm »

Returning at nightfall to lost path, the thaw~
A common woman~


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Re: Without Prejudice 3
« Reply #953 on: January 14, 2018, 09:54:17 am »

Returning at nightfall to lost path, the thaw~

Wonderfully mysterious...



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Re: Without Prejudice 3
« Reply #954 on: January 14, 2018, 11:02:49 am »

Returning at nightfall to lost path, the thaw~

Where's Gollum?


Patricia Sheley

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Re: Without Prejudice 3
« Reply #955 on: January 14, 2018, 11:42:05 am »

~making progress on that. The tracking has been excellent until the thaw and did locate an entry within the root tangles of a banke, where at 10 degrees this morning I could feel a warmer movement of air being exhaled, so know there must be an anterior passage also. The flows have halted and once the tides recede a bit more hope to poke about. (Gladdens my heart ;) )
A common woman~

Patricia Sheley

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Re: Without Prejudice 3
« Reply #956 on: January 14, 2018, 11:53:05 am »

Wonderfully mysterious...


You know what's a neat little piece in this Peter? Almost lost my walking sticks to the tide behind me as I perched between two outcroppings. As my fingertips began to throb trying to stay in position long enough in the lowlight to catch a particular surge which seemed to repeat briefly and draw the forms before my eyes, I several times saw two of your lowlight winter tree paintings. It is truly magical for me when these events simply spring up before my eyes with no particular warning or suggestive announcement. I actually DID say to you, "do you see that tree Peter? There it is again!", then finally had to quit and retreat against the cold and falling deep dark warning me of the need to get a move on. Set a chill up my spine to read your comment~
A common woman~


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Re: Without Prejudice 3
« Reply #957 on: January 14, 2018, 04:48:50 pm »

Returning at nightfall to lost path, the thaw~

Dark & lovely. Has a painted on hardboard quality.



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Re: Without Prejudice 3
« Reply #958 on: January 14, 2018, 04:49:44 pm »

Wonderfully mysterious...


You know what's a neat little piece in this Peter? Almost lost my walking sticks to the tide behind me as I perched between two outcroppings. As my fingertips began to throb trying to stay in position long enough in the lowlight to catch a particular surge which seemed to repeat briefly and draw the forms before my eyes, I several times saw two of your lowlight winter tree paintings. It is truly magical for me when these events simply spring up before my eyes with no particular warning or suggestive announcement. I actually DID say to you, "do you see that tree Peter? There it is again!", then finally had to quit and retreat against the cold and falling deep dark warning me of the need to get a move on. Set a chill up my spine to read your comment~

When in search of winter nocturnes, I often find myself accompanied by thoughts that have been placed in my head and remain in my heart.
Fleeting light and mysterious shadows and the uncomfortable unknown are made safe with the voices and images of my past.


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Re: Without Prejudice 3
« Reply #959 on: January 14, 2018, 11:28:54 pm »

Thank you for that Peter.. Yes they have a way of becoming touchstones revealing truths emerging from the swirls of marks placed upon our hearts.
A common woman~
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