Canon has some very good lenses, but as far as I am concerned for all the lenses that matter Nikon has the upper hand:
- 19mm T/S
- 24-70mm f2.8 for which VR is a game changer
- 70-200mm f2.8 where the Nikon is IMHO the best zoom kens ever designed
- 105mm f1.4 that is the king of portait lenses in terms of look and technical perfection
- compact 300mm f4 PF
- all the super teles except the 200-400mm f4
- all the compact f1.8 primes
Those are not impressions, those are factual.
As a result I have a hard time seeing how Canon could be considered ahead, but I am willing to listen .
You are clearly a very intelligent person who is well versed in the technical aspects of the art and science of photography, and a generous contributor to this forum. Your postings are always interesting to read and I find myself in agreement with you on a wide range of topics.
At the end of the day if you are happy with your equipment selections and I am happy with mine we both win. And we likely both know "the best" will always be a moving target of constant competition among manufactures in addition to the users subjective evaluations and needs. Specific lenses may particularly stand out, like your 105f1.4, which does look spectacular, until Canon releases their 85f1.4 IS soon
My concern here is more basic than a friendly Nikon / Canon rivalry; which is the statement of "facts" without referencing test sources by valid and respected evaluators, particularly when there is a strong pattern of brand devotion. "Facts" without reference are an opinion. Today, in the world of Trump, we are bombarded by "alternate facts" that are not supported by any provided evidence.
Even with a comparative study, the scientific mind must be ever vigilant to the methods used. A example of this would include a simple number put forth by a DxO study on lens resolutions while noting they used different sensors of vastly different resolutions. Yet people buy into this stuff without seeing the failings.
My position came in part from spending time on "The Digital Picture" which seems to supply some very comprehensive test chart evaluations that can be view side by side and allow the viewer to make some of their own conclusions. They do not have all the current Nikon lenses but plenty enough to see that some of the "facts" are more like myths. Even the highly touted new Nikon 70-200f2.8F seems to still fall short of the Canon. The famed Nikon 14-24 is no where near as good as the myth led me to believe. Even a number a mythical prime Zeiss lenses fall short of the Canon 16-35f2.8 III, but for the Otis.
I won't beat this to death any more. My point is that "facts" need a valid reference or else they are merely an opinion that may only add to perpetuating myths.
And some tongue in cheek; if the latest generation of super-tele Nikkors are finally a bit better than the equivalent Canons, it is due to Nikon finally buying a supply of fluorite from Canon and dropping the claim that their ED glass was better. And also buying some of those Canon electromechanical diaphragms instead of the archaic pin actuated type. So you may have some Canon DNA in those Nikkors you love!
I will continue to look forward to your posts as always.