That gel stick is a gimmick.
I never used Eclipse on a sensor. Eclipse contains more of some other things and methanol.
I know those are good for lenses and coatings.
But for sensors...
I place the camera on a rubber cutting mat I keep new. I use a well lit space
I use E-wipes. I just cleaned my Sony sensor a couple days ago with 100% no spec, as I also use a sensor scope to inspect my work.
My method: (After seeing that I have dirt on the sensor other than loose debris, dust. The smudged on type....)
I recommend first to use a separate pen brush to clean around the sensor, under the mount in particular.
I recommend doing this in Clean mode, to help minimize the sensor moving.
1. Blow ball anything loose on and around the sensor.
2. Use the in camera cleaner to vibe anything possible (Stay in cleaning mode of the camera the entire time)
3. blow ball again
4. Pen brush, or other "approved" brush to clean what ever is possible with little pressure
5. When using the Ewipe. Its a large sheet. You can use nitrile gloves if you wish. Otherwise, use a section you didn't touch.
Unfold and use a favorite store "Club card" key-chain size plastic. I cut my larger card to size of sensor.
Any store or credit car works. *Use the machined edge of the card against the Ewipe to lay flat against the sensor when applying, not the side you cut.
Tear a portion of the Ewipe, and fold it over the card(or over one of those plastic sensor sticks they sell).....
And wipe,
Left to Right,
Up and down in 2 sections/FF, and then I use a dry Pec-Pad in the same manner as the wet Ewipe to make sure there are No streaks, residue.
**If using other fluids other than what the Ewipe is soaked with, you will need to apply the "approved" fluid 1-3 drops ON the material using to wipe with, and never on the sensor directly. Enough to wet the sensor, but not soak it.
Also once you drip the drops on the wipe, don't wait too long to apply to the sensor. If you managed to soak it, and you do use the soaked wipe... Prepare to repeat the steps with less fluid.
6. I use the rest of the wipe to make sure the mount and lens contacts are dust free and clean.
I use a sensor scope to check my work.
Those Gel sticks are *an alternate, but gimmicky method :-)
The Ewipes can be used for anything sensitive, and great for MF sensors.