share here then !
* First, workflow and speed of use. Lightroom still scores hugely over CO on this. Just thinking about how your customers use your product and how you can make the experience quicker and slicker would go a long way.
* A comprehensive SDK. Opening up CO to plugins would bring fresh ideas into the platform and allow users to better tailor CO to their own needs. I've always been pleasantly surprised by what a good SDK can bring to the table.
* Adjustment Mask painting needs work. I badly miss the elliptical tool from Lightroom. A blur tool. Also, I recently put in a request for something to create sets of luminance masks for layered adjustments.
* Custom search presets can only be applied to collections or folders of images. It would be useful to have an option to make these global, have the filter remain in effect when collection selections are changed.
* Option in recipes to set keywords on exported images. So, for example, when I export a set of images for a client I can have the export recipe tag them as sent to client.
*Expand hotkey sets, make more features hotkeyed. In particular I'd like to be able to assign hotkeys to keywords; hit the hotkey, keyword is assigned to all selected variants. This, combined with a smart folder, would give you a more flexible equivalent to Lightroom's Quick and Target collection feature.
* Extend smart folder searches to include names of collections containing images.
*Annotations: for making notes on workflows, processing details, client notes, whatever. But importantly, annotations should be allowed on folders, collections, smart collections as well as images. this has been a big request amongst Lightroom users for a long time.
* I need to be able to see more clearly what keywords are on images. Currently I have to open up the keyword library to see what keywords I have on an image and the picture gets confused if I have several images selected. I'd like to see a icon on thumbs with a popup list of keywords.