That's easy, Slobodan: what happens on a beach, as in this ma/kid situation, should that be the relationship, is suited to the location; making a snap and putting it out to the world is hardly the same thing. If I felt the shot had to be run under the nose of a legal eagle, then that would tell me enough not to bother posting it or, better, making the shot.
As I've written before, there are some areas of photography best left undone, and anything to do with kids is, for me, very much one of those to leave well alone. Like most Dad's with a photography obsession, I have photographs of my daughter's first bath etc. etc. which was a normal thing to do within familes in those gentler years. But, I wouldn't dream of posting them in public. No way.
As I also wrote before, I do not cast any aspersions as to photographer motivation in this case, just that I think the concept is a mistake in this day and age. I wish it were not so, but the prevalance of lunatics out there makes it essential to guard our young in every way.