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Author Topic: Workflow Catalog and Sessions  (Read 1444 times)


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Workflow Catalog and Sessions
« on: June 01, 2016, 04:11:13 pm »

Is it possible to create a Session from images already cataloged? I really prefer the catalog for it's DAM but can see where sessions could be useful because of the folders pre-setup by the session function.


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Re: Workflow Catalog and Sessions
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2016, 06:59:49 am »

Hi Gegjr
In theory it is possible, I would have more faith doing it using a referenced system of image filing rather than managed, but without wishing to insult your intelligence I would query whether your stated reason is sufficient motivation. Capture One can be very flexible provided you use it as designed so I would suggest the User Collections section will allow you to set up the albums, smart albums, projects or groups to organise your files as, or even better, than you would achieve in a session. COP appears to have virtual organisation, not physical, as a basic design premis.

I have found COP requires a different thought process then that established, in my case with Aperture. Once I realised that I appreciated COP much more.

If you want to use catalogs with sessions import/export is the way to do it. Be careful not to create more than one copy of your RAW file by not paying attention to source and destination.

I hope this helps, I remember when I started using COP some of the readily available sources of info were not always clear.




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Re: Workflow Catalog and Sessions
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2016, 11:59:51 am »

Hi Gegjr
In theory it is possible, I would have more faith doing it using a referenced system of image filing rather than managed, but without wishing to insult your intelligence I would query whether your stated reason is sufficient motivation. Capture One can be very flexible provided you use it as designed so I would suggest the User Collections section will allow you to set up the albums, smart albums, projects or groups to organise your files as, or even better, than you would achieve in a session. COP appears to have virtual organisation, not physical, as a basic design premis.

I have found COP requires a different thought process then that established, in my case with Aperture. Once I realised that I appreciated COP much more.

If you want to use catalogs with sessions import/export is the way to do it. Be careful not to create more than one copy of your RAW file by not paying attention to source and destination.

I hope this helps, I remember when I started using COP some of the readily available sources of info were not always clear.


Hi Rhuairidh,

Thank you for taking the time to respond to my newbie (regarding COP) question. I have just recently began using COP for Sony (been using LR since v3) and so I am much more familiar with the referenced system of image filing and quite frankly the managed method doesn't even interest me. Not sure what you mean by my "stated reason" as motivation. But to try to clarify, what I mean is I have imported directly into COP from a card into a catalog. Now I have to manually create Capture, Selects, Output, Trash folders for culling and processing the issues. I am use to doing this in LR and frankly didn't even consider importing into Sessions because I didn't (and still not sure I do) understand Sessions. Specifically, after importing in a Session how do you catalog the resulting Selects and possibly the Outputs? On second thought I suspect putting only the Selects into a catalog would be the way to go since the Selects I presume would contain the results of the processed image (prior to output) and therefore would still be raw format rather than tiff, jpeg or some other already processed file type. Or should it be vice-versa putting only the Output into a catalog and putting the Selects (raw) into a non-cataloged archive. In LR I keep both the raw and the outputs in the same catalog and the outputs stay in the same location (folder) as the raw files. I presume I can do the same with COP?

So, I hope this explained what I'm after and why. By the way I did find this article I haven't fully read it yet but it may have the answers I need.

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