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Author Topic: Can I stop C1 creating a Session every time I download images?  (Read 6621 times)

David Grover / Capture One

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Re: Can I stop C1 creating a Session every time I download images?
« Reply #20 on: June 09, 2016, 03:58:30 am »

I think we're flogging a dead horse here David, but fwiw:

I don't understand "Because what folder should that be?" question. It seems to me blindingly obvious when I've told C1 the location I want the images imported to and which new folder to create (todays date), that that is the folder I want to go to. Duh!

That to me is the single most obvious thing to do. Apparently not. 

Good tip, I'll try this. Thanks.

"Not using Capture One as a Browser"?  No, I'm using it as a Raw Converter!  Is that wrong somehow?

Right, so your token is 'Current Date' and nothing more?  Generally when people are using Tokens the path is a lot more extensive than that and using delimiters (i,e a forward or backward slash / (mac) \ (pc)) to create subfolders automatically. 

So instead of using the token, in the import dialog, just make the folder yourself in the 'Store Files' drop down menu - Then if you choose 'Open Collection when import starts' then you will be taken to that folder - no 'Untitled Album' will be created.  Problem solved right? 

I have explained why the Album is created earlier when using tokens.

For example if you had a Sub Folder field like so with a mix of tokens and manually created folders, you will see why the Album creation is necessary....

2016/[Camera Model]/[Current Date]

So if you had imported from a bunch of cards, images will be automatically sorted in to the correct folders based on metadata revealing the camera model.  (Tokens are indicated in the square brackets - The folder 2016 will be created if not present and simply used if present).

I will say that very few people use the token [Current Date] as it is not a very useful piece of data.  The more common and more useful one is [Image Date].. the date the image was actually captured.

So if we had..

2016/[Camera Model]/[Image Date]

It is obvious why we need to create the 'Untitled Album'.  An import could contain images shot over a variety of dates, therefore when import is completed, what folder should Capture One open?  We can take you directly to the Untitled Album collection if you wish, or no collection.

In conclusion - with your import strategy it is pointless to use tokens.


David Grover
Business Support and Development Manager


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Re: Can I stop C1 creating a Session every time I download images?
« Reply #21 on: June 09, 2016, 09:51:50 am »

Thanks David, helpful info, pointing out the difference between  'image date' and 'today's date' as they are nearly always one and same for me, that's little difference, but still, good to know.

I guess I do use C1 slightly as a 'browser' - I review that days images with it, rate them 1* to 5***** (which I had more of those!) then delete any that didn't even get 1*.  With IQ100, in LLQ or LLQ16bit, and a lot of shooting, I've had to bite the bullet and delete files that don't even earn a single star. Yes I have a 28Tb Raid array here, but still. I shoot about 32Gb+ a day, it's necessary to cull.  But that's it, I don't do anymore, metadata, keywords, etc don't interest me.  I'm not a stock agency, or running a commercial celebrity photo business. Everything is my personal work, and I simply want the best quality an ordinary mortal can obtain, so use P1 backs and C1 to raw convert. From there on everything is in Photoshop. Lightroom does not convert IQ files that well (no surprise) so I don't bother with that at all.

Still don't get why the logical path (when creating a single folder) is not logical to you/C1, but we're talking past each other at this point, so I'll let it drop. 

(Could you at least put a 'Delete all Session Albums' command in there, so I don't have to manually go through and spend 10 minutes deleting 80+  one by one, every few months?!)




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Re: Can I stop C1 creating a Session every time I download images?
« Reply #22 on: June 09, 2016, 09:57:43 am »

Ok -My apologies.  :)  But saying 'we do not consider' is harsh.  We consider all factors but like any company building / making products you cater for the most popular requests / features.

The truth is, is that we get very few requests for a 'stand alone' RAW converter, handling one or a few images at a time.

Most of our clients are in high volume high pressure scenarios and need tools like Sessions (and Catalogs) to deliver images.

But I take your point!  Maybe there is some hybrid way we can do it in the future.

I understand that P1 is a business and takes market (at it feels) needs into account... but note that such functionality was in C1 for years before with the same market... now C1 stepped then into LR territory which is perfectly fine and necessary to compete, but some people mourn the loss, which happened at some point, of how C1 could be used before... this is absolutely not critical, just inconvenient


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Re: Can I stop C1 creating a Session every time I download images?
« Reply #23 on: June 09, 2016, 10:02:11 am »

I guess I do use C1 slightly as a 'browser' - I review that days images with it, rate them 1* to 5***** (which I had more of those!) then delete any that didn't even get 1*.  With IQ100, in LLQ or LLQ16bit, and a lot of shooting, I've had to bite the bullet and delete files that don't even earn a single star. Yes I have a 28Tb Raid array here, but still. I shoot about 32Gb+ a day, it's necessary to cull.

I suggest FRV ( ) for that... shall work faster then C1 for this specific purpose and can do C1 compatible ratings (if you need it)

David Grover / Capture One

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Re: Can I stop C1 creating a Session every time I download images?
« Reply #24 on: June 09, 2016, 11:27:58 am »

Thanks David, helpful info, pointing out the difference between  'image date' and 'today's date' as they are nearly always one and same for me, that's little difference, but still, good to know.

I guess I do use C1 slightly as a 'browser' - I review that days images with it, rate them 1* to 5***** (which I had more of those!) then delete any that didn't even get 1*.  With IQ100, in LLQ or LLQ16bit, and a lot of shooting, I've had to bite the bullet and delete files that don't even earn a single star. Yes I have a 28Tb Raid array here, but still. I shoot about 32Gb+ a day, it's necessary to cull.  But that's it, I don't do anymore, metadata, keywords, etc don't interest me.  I'm not a stock agency, or running a commercial celebrity photo business. Everything is my personal work, and I simply want the best quality an ordinary mortal can obtain, so use P1 backs and C1 to raw convert. From there on everything is in Photoshop. Lightroom does not convert IQ files that well (no surprise) so I don't bother with that at all.

Still don't get why the logical path (when creating a single folder) is not logical to you/C1, but we're talking past each other at this point, so I'll let it drop. 

(Could you at least put a 'Delete all Session Albums' command in there, so I don't have to manually go through and spend 10 minutes deleting 80+  one by one, every few months?!)

Did you not see my suggestion?  Don't use a token and your issue is solved?  You don't actually need to use tokens at all for your import procedure. Drop that, and you have no issues.

The logic is - are tokens in play?  YES - create 'Untitled Album'.  Why?  Because 99% of the user base does something more complex like I described above.

David Grover
Business Support and Development Manager
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