I have started and stopped adding my thoughts to this thread over the past several days, because words seemed inadequate. They still do, but neither do I want to stay silent.
As so many others have recounted, I never met Michael in person, but I felt an affinity. He and his ideas and creations that contributed to this community have been a part of my personal development in photography (digital especially) almost since the beginning. I followed his articles and explorations, and those of many other guest authors who coalesced around the early Luminous Landscape site. I have the LL Video Journal DVD's from issue #1. I have followed the forums for years, though sometimes not as closely as at other times. I corresponded with Michael briefly on a particular topic, about which he responded promptly and generously. I just went back and re-read that exchange... 2007, can it be? Man, how time is flying by.
Photography has taken on a large and fulfilling role in my life, and Michael and Luminous Landscape were significant reference points along the way. I'm very pleased that his foresight and association with valued team members means that Luminous Landscape will continue. At the same time, it's sorrowful to consider us all being here without Michael. The best way I have come up with to wrap my head around it is that his almost boundless enthusiasm, generosity and creativity gave form to something that took on a good life of its own, and gave us the ability to share in it. Now we can continue to honour Michael's influence and memory going forward.
To Chris, Kevin, Nick, Jeff, Mark and others who knew him well, your colleague and friend was truly a one-of-a-kind. To Michael's family, those of us who knew him, or of him, through photography mourn his departure with you. The loss you're coping with is only as great as it is because of the presence of this man in your lives in the first place. Thanks for sharing Michael with us for all these years.
And to Michael Reichmann, I'll paraphrase your and Kevin's parting words -- I'll remember you on the luminous landscape.