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Author Topic: C1 9.0.3 error when processing a file  (Read 19284 times)


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Re: C1 9.0.3 error when processing a file
« Reply #40 on: July 14, 2016, 04:35:22 pm »

Hi Victor.

You make a good point. If you have multiple files selected what happens is the file that errors out just won't process. I don't believe the error box shows up. This is why I quit processing large groups of files as I had to go back to reconcile what did not process.

Paul C
Paul Caldwell
Little Rock, Arkansas U.S.


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Re: C1 9.0.3 error when processing a file
« Reply #41 on: July 14, 2016, 05:52:03 pm »

Paul...... I have never gotten the error message that you have posted but, I have selected multiple files for processing with some not processed at all.  I am running latest version of C1 (9.2) and Win 10 on a dedicated computer.

Hi Victor,

I had it happening on a single file (not even a batch) recently (nothing since), on Windows 10, while in the midst of a HardDisk defragmentation operation. So I'm not sure if that's enough of a reproducible situation for the C1 support crew to be of use. Maybe just unfortunate timing, such as could also be caused by a Virusscanner, I suppose.

« Last Edit: July 14, 2016, 05:55:53 pm by BartvanderWolf »
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Re: C1 9.0.3 error when processing a file
« Reply #42 on: July 16, 2016, 12:46:25 am »

Still happening pretty regularly here, even on Phase files.


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Re: C1 9.0.3 error when processing a file
« Reply #43 on: July 16, 2016, 06:02:28 am »

Still happening pretty regularly here, even on Phase files.


Maybe the most recent service release 9.2.1 changes something?

I do wonder, why some like Paul and yourself can hardly process any files without these issues and others, like me, only occasionally get a hit. Don't get me wrong, there clearly is a bug that needs to be tracked down and fixed, but why the big differences in the level of impact?

Hardware related issues do play a role, but even if people replace their graphics card to a supported model and update to the latest drivers, some still experience failed conversions. Motherboard/memory driver updates can also make a difference.

Have people tried if their Virus scanner or other file locking utility plays a role? Especially those who can hardly get a fail free batch conversion, does it make a difference if the Virus scanner is temporarily switched off (or TIFF and JPG/JPEG file extensions are excluded from scans)?


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Re: C1 9.0.3 error when processing a file
« Reply #44 on: July 16, 2016, 06:59:39 am »

Hi Bart

Problem still occurs with 9.2.1. And about as often. I am still working with P1 through my dealer.

But the problem occurs on all my windows machines.  As it now happens on my MacBook Provwith win 10 I am less concerned about my hardware from Asus.

Really seems to be a timing problem as it a call is made to open CL during processing and there is something out of sync so the process fails.

50 percent of the time if I hit the process button the exact same file will go through the rest of the time it becomes as if tagged by C1 never to process until I restart C1.

Paul C
Paul Caldwell
Little Rock, Arkansas U.S.


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Re: C1 9.0.3 error when processing a file
« Reply #45 on: July 16, 2016, 07:09:29 am »

Really seems to be a timing problem as it a call is made to open CL during processing and there is something out of sync so the process fails.

50 percent of the time if I hit the process button the exact same file will go through the rest of the time it becomes as if tagged by C1 never to process until I restart C1.

That's also my guess, timing issues. I mostly (luckily not as often as you) experience it on the first (or only) file of a batch.

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Re: C1 9.0.3 error when processing a file
« Reply #46 on: July 16, 2016, 11:00:59 am »

I too think it is a timing issue of some sort.  The failure rate is much much higher if you have just made an adjustment and immediately hit the process button than it is if you wait for a bit after a complex adjustment such as a color or skin tone edit on a multiple layered file.  If you just use C1 for simple edits like exposure or contrast especially without layers it rarely fails


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Re: C1 9.0.3 error when processing a file
« Reply #47 on: July 16, 2016, 11:59:50 am »

Sorry to sound negative, but really I am very frustrated on this issue. 

With version 8, the main problem was that if you happened to minimize the screen to the task bar, then when you attempted to maximize it, the session froze and errored out.  So off you go to task manager, close the software and reopen.  I know maybe not a big deal for folks on multiple screens, but I use a single 30 inch and it drove me crazy.  I opened a problem ticket on that also and Phase One worked with me and others and a fix was released with the last version of 8.x and IT fixed the problem.

This problem has been going on since the release of 9.x, and EJ brings up a great point, in that if you have a lot of adjustments, or layer or both, the issue will show up sooner and then create total havoc.  I personally love C1 for all of the tools it offers so I guess I am seeing the issue more than others. 

As Bart mentions, if you go via batch, you don't get the error, you just have to go back and edit your files to make sure all processed as if one got the problem, it won't process out.  This caused me to start going one at a time (I know that is time consuming but so is going back and editing out a large batch job), so I am seeing the problem sooner or more often than most. 

Where I am frustrated, is that it has shown up on all my windows environments, (various hardware and win7 and 10 and 8), Surface Pro, Macbook Pro, PC etc. So Phase One, should be able to see this pretty darn quickly.  BTW all of those environments are using different video cards, all are "supported" by Phase for open CL, so it's not just my Asus PC's.  Phase One's only answer, turn off Open CL, which to me is not the right answer especially with the investment I have made in video cards for C1 and LR, and the fact that I am mainly processing larger files in C1 to start with mainly Phase One back images.  You can run a script that turns off open CL for C1, but that also effects the open CL for display, (drawing masks especially) and in a IQ100 or IQ280 file you really need the boost of open CL for the adjustments.  Just turning off open CL for processing in the C1 preferences doesn't seem to help, you have to run the script.  So for now, I work with Open CL for image work, then close C1, run the script, reopen C1 and start processing. 

Paul C
Paul Caldwell
Little Rock, Arkansas U.S.
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