I am using a Catalog rather than Sessions. The catalog is titled 2015 and contains all 2015 folders and images--surprise. Generally, keywords are applied upon ingesting. So, now that the catalog is up and running with minimum issues, how do I search for images based on keywords(s)? I can find keyword images when searched folder by folder, but, not within the whole catalog. This is rather restrictive and very disappointing, if what I have experienced is CO reality. There would be no need for keywords if I could remember the folder and date of every image.
Am I missing something, or is there a reasonable workaround?
Another issue has come up as I went through the keyword process. My file structure is Catalog name (2015)/subfolder date_descriptive name/subfolder date (some times it will be Nef/jpegs/ subfolder output folder. I have many folders that have several subfolders containing images taken at specific locations, different camera systems. Right now, I need to go folder by folder to see the images, rather than just highlight the folder they are under.
In my ideal world, I would like to see all images in the highlighted folder and any subfolders associated with the folder. So, highlight folder 2015 would render thumbs of all images, which could be search by keywords. Or just highlight a folder titled Morro Bay and see all images in subfolders.
I hope Phase One doesn't have a "don't do things like Lr" mind set, because Lr's key wording search process is much better than CO9.
BTW, this problems applies for any type of search (stars, colors, etc). A Catalog should be used as a giant folder, rather than multiple folders.
i hope my rant is wrong and a correct response makes me feel like an idiot.