I never used a MFD and I never use a A7R2.
My opinion is that the A7R2 color filters is really optimized for high signal at the price of color selectivity.
EX: 1ds3 and 5d2 have probabilly the same sensor, but with different color array: the first has better colors, the second lesser noise.
The same things for a5000 (better noise) and X100 (better colors).
I think that most of currents models use less selective filter array for better high iso, noise and dinamic range (and better DXO mark and dpreview).
I buyed (and quickly sold) the D800, but I found that the image quality was a big step back from D700.
An example: with d800 color folliage form different trees is flat and pritty the same, with D700 or 1ds3 is more rich.
With merrils is even richer, but at the price of some random colors.
The D800 DR is great, but colors are flats and full of shifts.
And there isn't a AWB problem: D800 has a good AWB compared to D700.
I think that color reprodution is mostly dependand form:
1) subject lighting
2) camera color filter
3) camera profiling (and photographer color management skills)
the Alpha 900 has a great color reprodution, but very poor high iso performance, that confirm my opinion.
I'm start to think that an high dxomark (that is only a noise benchmark) rating means poor sensor camera: all my preferred camera are around 80.
The color reprodution is now the most important (and less discuted) factor in a camera:
resolution, noise and dynamic range are now almost goods for all cameras, but color reprodution that is the first thing that we notice in a photo.