Yes, it was created on a Mac. But it's odd, I've never heard anyone report this issue and if we're talking about the original Printer Test File (in ColorMatch RGB), it's really, really old. FWIW, a newer Printer Test File in Adobe RGB (1998) is:
This is the test file I was speaking about. I downloaded it approximately 1 hour ago to try the demonstration you suggested. I just downloaded it again and with my Camera RAW settings set at the default "Automatically open TIFFs with settings" Adobe Camera RAW opens when I try to open your TIFF in Photoshop.
It's no big deal. I was just trying to understand how/why I have been opening TIFFs, with ACR installed since it was first released, yet have never encountered the circumstance where a TIFF opens in ACR rather than opening directly in Photoshop. It seems to be related to the byte order.
Thanks again. I have a few further questions about the color management ideas being discussed in this thread. Now I can move on to thinking about how to ask them, but first I want to watch your Photoshop Color Settings video.
Thank you.