I have a golden rule, I don't do anything for free. So, I've never done an article for LuLa because the fee has been zero. That might change in the future.
Ok, you're a good capitalist

I'm the opposite - a very bad capitalist

Sometimes I wish I could be more like you because it would be better for various parts of my life

Yeah, pretty much. Look, the Internet has changed..."free content" is usually worth what you pay for...I've seen a lot of free content and it pretty much sucks. There are a few (precious few) free content that is worthy like Julianne Kost at Adobe.com or Andrew Rodeny's free content. But if you want good content, it can't be free.
I wonder just how much of your computing world relies in different ways on free software that you never paid for, will never pay for and don't even understand is there because "it just works." What you do pay for is what you do see. And indeed, "free content" is what started the Internet, made it worthwhile and drew people to it. Don't underestimate the value of "free" or its importance even if you can't understand it or don't want to be a part of it.
So, the question you gotta ask yourself, are you willing to be a paying customer where you can influence the direction as a paying customer? Or are ya gonna sit on the sideline and kvetch (Piss&Moan).
Influence direction as a customer? You mean for $1/month we get voting rights on what content does and doesn't appear? I don't think *that* was written ... but if you mean to say "vote with your wallet", then that I can understand.
What, you pay a monthly bill for cable, internet, Uber, etc...but you don't want to pay for a subscription to information? You drop $'s for equipment but don't want to pay for education to use it?
When I pay for education, I expect an in person class because that's where I get value. To me there is little to no value in youtube videos, etc, because there is no scope for interacting with the teacher (questions, etc.) In this maybe I'm a 1%'er and don't represent the Internet at large - I can accept that.