I don't know, would like to know. The only figures I have seen specified was:
30 Microns for the Hasselblad V series
12 Microns Phase One backs
+/- 20 microns for Leica (possibly +/- 10 microns for digital Leica)
That figure is of course not for yaw. Some yaw may also come from flexing of the springs in the mount.
I would expect that later generation cameras would have less variation.
I don't think that yaw is a major issue, at least if lenses like the Otus 85/1.4 can achieve uniform sharpness over the field at f/1.4 when mounted on camera and that often seems be the case.
Something I have seen specified that Canon AF-systems are accurate to 1/3 DoF on professional systems. Roger Ciala looked at this and essentially found that modern Canons (5DIII) combined with same generation lenses focus pretty accurately and with good repeatability. Still according to Roger Ciala, Nikon not as good.
This article by Roger is somewhat geek oriented, but offers good insights:
http://www.lensrentals.com/blog/2012/08/autofocus-reality-part-3b-canon-camerasWhat that article shows is that Canon has significantly improved the AF accuracy on the 5DIII, but it needs late generations lenses.
Best regards
What is typical FF mounting yaw tolerance?