I'm also interested in this, as I have a batch of images from a while back which are DNG.
Hi David,
If you also have the original Camera Raws, and assuming they were not DNGs from the start, why not use those originals?
It is known that DNGs are not fully supported in Capture One, not yet at least, so I have difficulty understanding why people insist seeking problems, instead of using better source files if they are available.
For the moment, let's face it, DNG is in some areas an Adobe specific tuned file format. That is fine if you are fully immersed in Adobe's product offererings and remain so. Some other application producers either ignore some of the metadata and (re)create their own, based on only a fraction (e.g. without some specific calibration data) of the (partially converted) available Raw data, others use the Adobe supplied libraries and just take what is offered as output.
Yet other producers have such a different approach, e.g. for their basic color engine, that it takes serious additional effort (i.e. cost) to convert between models, with all risks of errors because parts of the Adobe Color model are undocumented. It is not enough to describe the meta data fields, which are publicly documented, but the meaning and origin, and how to use those data elements is quite a different thing.
It would obviously be nice if Capture One could transparently use DNG input in all its variations and create superior conversions, but we're not there yet.