
How do you use Capture ONE

Session per folder/project
- 4 (17.4%)
Single Session for all folders
- 3 (13%)
Single Catalog
- 10 (43.5%)
Multiple Catalogs
- 2 (8.7%)
Sessions and catalogs
- 4 (17.4%)

Total Members Voted: 22

Voting closed: September 18, 2015, 08:54:04 pm

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Author Topic: How do you use Capture ONE - Sessions(s) or Catalog(s)  (Read 25520 times)


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Re: How do you use Capture ONE - Sessions(s) or Catalog(s)
« Reply #20 on: October 26, 2015, 04:13:58 am »

Is there a video or instructions on designing/customizing a session?

Hi Mike,

Sessions are quite flexible, so you can design them almost any way you want. By following the basic setup you will get the benefit of being able to copy/backup everything that is needed in a single folder for each specific project or theme you are working on. But that doesn't mean that a less organized collection of files is not possible, it's just that it may not be the most clever thing to do (from a management point of view).

Here is the introduction tutorial, and there is probably more on YouTube, either from their PhaseOne channel or also other contributors.

I use my own file structure to store the Camera Raws, because that fits my type of work, and I create sessions in that structure at a (higher or lower) level that makes sense to me. It also allows me to start an existing CaptureOne session from the Windows Files Explorer. Others may have a different structure that works best for them, and that's allowable as well. Just keep in mind that it helps to be able and backup a coherent set of files in one go, if everything is 'physically' grouped logically in one folder/subfolder structure. It can also occasionally help in fixing things when e.g. previews get corrupted and only the specific previews can be removed and automatically rebuilt.

It can also speed up things if not all previews have to be loaded for one monster session, but only for a smaller session.

== If you do what you did, you'll get what you got. ==

Paul Steunebrink

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Re: How do you use Capture ONE - Sessions(s) or Catalog(s)
« Reply #21 on: October 27, 2015, 05:25:46 pm »

Is there a video or instructions on designing/customizing a session?
I made a series of blogs on sessions. Maybe it helps you too.

Mike Guilbault

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Re: How do you use Capture ONE - Sessions(s) or Catalog(s)
« Reply #22 on: November 25, 2015, 10:04:32 pm »

Thanks guys... that helps quite a bit!
Mike Guilbault
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