In a small town in the Australian outback, a new shop opens with "Taxidermist" on the sign over the door. The local lads are confused and a little worried: they don't know what a taxidermist is (and it's pre-internet). So Bruce is deputed to find out, and approaches the stranger, who is sitting with a beer on the porch outside the shop.
"G'day" he says, and gets a friendly response. He starts to chat to the owner, and the conversation goes well. After a while, Bruce plucks up courage.
"So", he says. "What do you do?"
"I'm a taxidermist", pointing to the sign.
"Well, yes", says Bruce. "But what's a taxidermist do?"
"Oh, I stuff animals" says the taxidermist.
Bruce gives a quiet sigh of relief and calls to his mates, who are watching from a safe distance.
"It's OK, boys! He's one of us!"