To me the large format creativity is the number one factor. Using a Linhof Techno with tilt, swing and rise/fall and shift on all lenses including the wides as it's builtin to the body (as it should be). Resolving power is number two.
But it's not hard to see that for the majority of MFD tech cam users resolving power is number one, and possibly also number two and three. Alpa FPS is basically just a bulky mirrorless with great resolving power. Its more cumbersome and limited in terms of movements, not at all in the spirit of large format if you'd ask me, but it's hugely more popular than for example the Linhof Techno. I think MFD has become too much about resolving power, and that is a bit unfortunate for the segment when the competition hardens.
I very much appreciate 135 progress though, because it drives down cost of MFD (at least in the second hand space where I'm mostly moving), and if MFD continues in the wrong direction the coming years and loses attraction to me (less large format, more just upsized A7 mirrorless), I can step back to 135 and have about the same thing but at a lower cost.