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Author Topic: QTR Question: The Lab values are not in order. Cannot make a profile.  (Read 848 times)


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Dear all,

I'm trying to create an ICC profile for my ABW on the Epson 9880 with windows 8
But by some how I couldn't make the ICC out of my measurement.
Once I drag the measurement txt file to the exe script,
I said "The Lab values are not in order. Cannot make a profile."
I have tried a few ways to re-print and re-measure the target but still got no luck
Here are my measurements scanned by i1pro and MeasurTool
Hope someone can let me know what's going on

1   A1   0.00      89.64   92.61   77.57   97.07   0.61      -0.99
2   B1   5.00      89.12   92.04   76.85   96.84   0.68      -0.79
3   C1   10.00   79.23   81.86   68.00   92.51   0.58      -0.43
4   D1   15.00   69.85   72.18   59.76   88.06   0.54      -0.22
5   E1   20.00   60.90   62.98   51.89   83.43   0.41      0.07
6   F1   25.00   61.00   63.08   51.98   83.48   0.42      0.06
7   G1   30.00   52.41   54.22   44.57   78.59   0.35      0.18
8   H1   35.00   44.55   46.05   37.78   73.58   0.42      0.29
9   I1   40.00   37.25   38.53   31.66   68.41   0.33      0.19
10   J1   45.00   30.55   31.59   26.00   63.00   0.33      0.10
11   K1   50.00   30.57   31.61   26.02   63.02   0.34      0.09
12   L1   55.00   24.54   25.34   20.94   57.41   0.45      -0.07
13   M1   60.00   19.17   19.78   16.39   51.59   0.47      -0.16
14   N1   65.00   14.53   15.02   12.47   45.66   0.32      -0.22
15   O1   70.00   10.58   10.98   9.10      39.55   -0.11   -0.13
16   P1   75.00   10.61   11.02   9.12      39.62   -0.12   -0.12
17   Q1   80.00   7.08      7.40      6.10      32.70   -0.57   0.01
18   R1   85.00   4.80      5.01      4.11      26.78   -0.48   0.15
19   S1   90.00   3.30      3.44      2.72      21.71   -0.18   0.85
20   T1   95.00   2.45      2.52      1.87      18.00   0.52      2.02
21   U1   100.00   2.42      2.48      1.85      17.82   0.51      1.87



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Re: QTR Question: The Lab values are not in order. Cannot make a profile.
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2014, 04:07:58 am »

Problem solved
At the beginning I printed the 21steps target in 8bits which it supposed to be
then I converted into 16bits, the target actually came out really well
So something is going really wrong with either the ACPU or the epson driver with ABW printing mode

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