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Author Topic: Import Help Requested  (Read 2231 times)

James R

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Import Help Requested
« on: November 21, 2012, 06:30:41 pm »

2 issues:
1. How do I change the default location to images in C1P?  It always goes to "Pictures"
2. The reason for question 1:  When I attempt to import, I get truncated import box.  I can name the images and add copy-write info, but all other options are not available.  I can't select where to save the files (hence "Pictures") or add a backup location.  I've tried everything that I know, but nothing helps.  I'm using a MacPro, shooting a D4 and using an XQD card on a Sony reader.  I screwed up somewhere, please help me unscrew this.

Phil Indeblanc

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Re: Import Help Requested
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2012, 07:28:40 pm »

what are the first steps you are taking? Which version?

On a PC, I know you can try this:

Open C1, and File/New Session/

In this C1 window, you setup where you want things. Backup should come up as an option at some point when saving/or closing.
Not sure if it's the same on a MAC

How are you starting?
If you buy a camera, you're a photographer...

James R

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Re: Import Help Requested
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2012, 01:30:00 am »

what are the first steps you are taking? Which version?

On a PC, I know you can try this:

Open C1, and File/New Session/

In this C1 window, you setup where you want things. Backup should come up as an option at some point when saving/or closing.
Not sure if it's the same on a MAC

How are you starting?

There is the rub!  Importing images to a catalog bring the Import Image box, however, it only has 3 options: 1. Naming 2. Metadata and 3. filin Info.  Everything you and the tutorials stated does not bring up a full Import Image box.  I've deleted all the associated files to the catalog I created, created a new Catalog (named and associated the location of the files) and nothing--just the truncated Import Image box.  I cannot find technical support for CO Pro 7 on the new website (new to me).  I went over to LR4 for the past several months and now want to move back to CO Pro but not getting any place.  I would have hoped it would have uploaded my CO 6 files; however, this did not happen.

Phil Indeblanc

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Re: Import Help Requested
« Reply #3 on: November 23, 2012, 02:21:40 am »

C1v7 could have easily resolved this by KEEPING a "System Folder" available regardless of what mode you use.

If you read through the threads, I think you will find many that are just as frustrated as you. See also the main Forum. I only know a hand full of shooters using C1, and 3 of 4 have the same issues. The 4th leaves it to the digital tech to sort out. I wonder what he would say.

Too bad. they did such a great job with the developing engine.

If C1 kept a Folder view of ALL the drives/folders content regardless how you use it, they wouldn't have ANY of this confusion.
Make a Catalog if you want, Do a "Session" (an excuse to see drives structure) if you want...But at the end of the day, If you simply add a Folder structure: Go to the drive folder you want to see what is inside: Selecting it: prompts to  ASK if you want to use this folder to "work", "develop" in?....and ONLY THEN add the C1 Setting Cache files it must. (otherwise you just view the folder with the most basic thumbs). Then go about your business, DONE! You want to add a Catalog? Sure! Here are your folders...where will it go?
 Want a Session? Sure! Here is your content, where would you like it! DONE!!!!

If C1 Does this, they would easily have users spending more time using C1, which would make C1 a powerful browser tool to access images and give you the constant visibility of your content. This also makes users more familiar with C1, WITHOUT the headaches.
If you buy a camera, you're a photographer...

James R

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Re: Import Help Requested
« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2012, 03:36:55 am »

C1v7 could have easily resolved this by KEEPING a "System Folder" available regardless of what mode you use.

If you read through the threads, I think you will find many that are just as frustrated as you. See also the main Forum. I only know a hand full of shooters using C1, and 3 of 4 have the same issues. The 4th leaves it to the digital tech to sort out. I wonder what he would say.

Too bad. they did such a great job with the developing engine.

If C1 kept a Folder view of ALL the drives/folders content regardless how you use it, they wouldn't have ANY of this confusion.
Make a Catalog if you want, Do a "Session" (an excuse to see drives structure) if you want...But at the end of the day, If you simply add a Folder structure: Go to the drive folder you want to see what is inside: Selecting it: prompts to  ASK if you want to use this folder to "work", "develop" in?....and ONLY THEN add the C1 Setting Cache files it must. (otherwise you just view the folder with the most basic thumbs). Then go about your business, DONE! You want to add a Catalog? Sure! Here are your folders...where will it go?
 Want a Session? Sure! Here is your content, where would you like it! DONE!!!!

If C1 Does this, they would easily have users spending more time using C1, which would make C1 a powerful browser tool to access images and give you the constant visibility of your content. This also makes users more familiar with C1, WITHOUT the headaches.

Thanks, I have emailed Doug about this issue.  There is so much good with C1, but the file handling and stability will keep new users away.  I've used C1 for years and it causes me some concern when I can't even import images.  Why not a simple import screen that gives the uses all the options--new catalog or session (if we must), where to put the files, and back them up; instead of starting out with a new session or catalog, and then importing.  We have to hit import, why not put that first.  My rant is over. 

Doug Peterson

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Re: Import Help Requested
« Reply #5 on: November 23, 2012, 09:07:07 am »

Phil, I hope you understand that while you have a very strong opinion about how Phase should implement file browsing and sidecar files, and while that opinion is very intelligently formed based on what would work best for you, that the system as-is DOES make sense for many users (who are therefore unlikely to post on forums regarding their lack of confusion).

What a software company does not implement a feature the way you think they should, they are rarely being moronic, and they are likely not ignoring your point of view.

Anyway, as you've discovered the most important workflow aspect to importing in C1 is that you should set up what/where you want the images to go before you push import. This may or may not make sense to you. You may or may not think it should be the way it is done. However, once you understand that rule it is a very simply rule to follow and the remainder of the file organization becomes exceedingly logical. It's one of the first things I teach in any C1 Workflow class.

To help you understand a scenario in which C1's file management is as good as it can get for certain applications/use-cases let me lay out a typical digital-tech assisted architectural interior photo shoot:

- At the start of the day the Digital Tech creates a new session called "2012_8_20-French_Villa", pre-creates several shot folders in "Captures" for the day's shot list (e.g. "Kitchen, Angle 1", "Kitchen, Angle 2", "Bedroom", "Entrance", "Exterior")
- Digital Tech plugs in an external hard drive (e.g. Lacie Rugged FW800) and, using Carbon Copy Cloaner, creates a backup of the "2012_8_20-French_Villa" session (albeit one that has no photos yet)
- Digital Tech sets up camera/computer for the first shot, right clicks on that shot folder and select "Set as Capture Folder"
- As photographer shoots the images go into the shot folder currently set as Capture Folder. In addition if any CF card based images are used (BTS, 2ndary angles, quick hand held details) then when the CF card is placed in the reader the digital tech does not have to adjust ANY settings, and can immediately push "import all" knowing that the images will go to the current Capture Folder of the currently opened session.
- Digital Tech periodically updates the backup (a "Delta" backup which only requires new/changed files be updated). Because the raw files, the cache, and the setting files are ALL 100% located inside of the session folder the digital tech ONLY needs to worry about this one folder, and if only a few new images have been captured then only those raws and the sidecar settings/cache for those raws need be copied, making for an exceedingly fast backup.
- Photographer and Digital Tech move from room to room, changing the capture folder as they go, capturing the days images.
- Photographer/Tech/AD/whomever sit down at station throughout the day and use the shot folders and smart albums (e.g. "show all green images") to edit the shoot
- Digital Tech processed out images (at any point during the day) and does not even need to go to the process tab because the images will always (by default) go to the output folder of the current shoot
- If a week later it's discovered that an image placed in the "trash" is unexpectedly valuable (e.g. it was an awful shot, but a small element is needed for retouching/compositing) then the photographer knows the image will be in the Trash of that specific session, and not in a global/central/system-trash. This also means the trash (along with every other element of the shoot) is included when the session is moved from one computer to another.

In this scenario it is demonstrably faster, more flexible, and overall better than any other application. In other scenarios the session workflow makes less sense.

Catalogs, nacent though they may be in C1, also provide a really compelling use-case for many photographer's workflows. If you don't shoot tethered and you want to be able to compare/manage many shoots/events/projects they are probably the way to go.

If neither sessions, nor catalogs, make sense for what you want to do in Capture One than you will not have an optimal experience. Usually I find the person who says that they don't like sessions hasn't received formal education on sessions nor has spent any meaningful time seeing how to make them work in their workflow. However, on occasion, someone has received that education and has spent that time and still can't make sessions work well for them - that's unfortunate, but also speaks to a fundamental reality of software: every piece of software will not be perfectly suited for every person. Some will love elements or all of bridge, others will love elements or all of LightRoom, and some will love elements or all of Capture One.

There are two realities in software:
- new versions will require a learning curve
- very new versions will have bugs

If you want to avoid as much of the learning curve as possible I suggest investing your time/money in paid training and free education.

If you want to avoid bugs in a very new version I suggest you wait until the first or second maintenance release when most of the bugs are eliminated.

James R

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Re: Import Help Requested
« Reply #6 on: November 23, 2012, 11:04:51 am »


To my situation, I found the answer to my problem within a rather long 4 page thread on this forum. I uploaded 1029 images from a Tuesday night shoot.  After the images were loaded C1 crashed.  Per my reading when C1 crashes, while in a Session, the problems I encountered happens.  So, I opened a new Session and all my folders showed up.  Problem solved.  I was able to work on the images.  The C1 created folders where nestled in the image folder; however, those images were imported by LR4, which I used to process the images when C1 crashed and I couldn't retrieve the images. 
Here is my current question.  Where did my uploaded C1 files from Tues/Wed go?  I can't find duplicate files any where on my 3.5 TB HDs. Will C1 actually dump all imports when it crashes?  I'd have thought there would be at least one file somewhere.  BTW, I was not able to direct where to import those files--C1 gave me a truncated image Import screen and I hit the import button on that screen.

BTW, I like the C1 images better than LR4, but, by just a little.  I was also able to get the look quicker with C1.  The problem is getting to working on the file takes longer, and there is no better program from which to print than LR4.  So, I would need to export from C1 and then upload in LR4 to use that print mod.  I guess I will work this out later. 

One last thing, I still think it makes more sense to hit upload and make all selections from that mod.  That would include shooting tethered, using Sessions or Catalogs. 

Thanks for responding to my inquiry, if rather indirectly.

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