In large sections of South-East Asia, copyright means the right to copy. Want a new Rolex, copy of Photoshop or Chanel perfume – it's all available.
But boy, are they smart with their illegal exporting! Years ago, in the market in Pollensa, I was offered a Submariner lookalike for 3,000 pesetas, approx. fifteen pounds. The big, belligerent black guy selling them wasn't amused when I smiled and showed him the read deal. (At least, I think it is, but can you trust Scottish jewellers either? Can you trust any jeweller?)
On a photographic note, a couple of those guys got very upset in the same location once when I thought I'd got a nice shot of merchandise and sellers in the morning sunlight; guess it's all about illegal immigration and contraband. I no longer photograph black people or gypsies; come to think of it, there's not much point in taking a camera to markets here anymore for there is precious little else. That is nothing to do with racism, in case anybody is upset, it's a fact of reality.
How good is their Photoshop? Any postal addresses? ;-) - only joking, Mr Adobe.
Rob C