What makes art for me is a shared spark of recognition of the somehow familiar unknown. Art seems to give glimpses into an invisible world around us, we all imagine it differently and from that it is different for everyone. Art is not determined by decree or method but rather by sharing something interesting that defies further description of its essence. Ideally, at least for me, it delves into that oddly familiar world without absolutes - no time, no space - of which we have no knowledge but yet an extraordinary sense of being. When a photographer, painter, musician, chef, welder, actor, writer, etcetera photographs, paints, plays, cooks, welds, acts, writes or...well...etceteras the results have a potential to be art. I am not certain the person capturing the expression is in the best position to bestow the title artist upon himself or art on his work and I am absolutely certain 'art experts' serve no greater purpose than their own. Judging, defining, categorizing, determining, evaluating are words of accountants, lawyers and sportscasters having no other purpose for art than to bolster egos and assist in marketing.