Dear All,
It is my feeling that it has become necessary to give some information again about the whole situation: Sinar, Hy6, Jenoptik, Franke & Heidecke, who is the owner of the project, who has which rights, who owns who, etc ....
I will try to make it as clear as possible to everybody, since there seems to be much confusion and wrong information circulating around. What I will be writing are all known facts and not confidential at all. As such, you can take my information as an official one, since I am signing with "Sinar AG Switzerland", or then you can get this same information from Sinar AG directly in Switzerland.
All other information not included or mentioned below is either unknown from me, or then confidential, and will be communicated at the appropriate time, if necessary.
- Jenoptik AG Germany owes Sinar AG Switzerland ---> Sinar is integrated in the "Laser - Optic and Sensors Systems" division of Jenoptik = Jenoptik-LOS GmbH
for more information go to following link: It has been announced and pupblished officially (Press Release dated December 13th 2006) that the Jenoptik AG - Leica AG sale/purchase agreement of Sinar AG had been canceled:
---> Jenoptik AG has developped (R&D), financed (paid for) the project of the new camera known under the names Sinar Hy6 and Leaf AFi and appointed Franke & Heidecke Germany to manufacture it.
- As such, Jenoptik HAS the exclusive sales rights for this particular camera and has given these sales rights to Sinar AG and Kodak- Leaf, whatever are the terms of these agreements.
- Franke & Heidecke has the rights to sell this camera in Japan, China and Russia ONLY, AND under the name "Rolleiflex" (and has not the rights to sell it to Phase One).
- Phase One is not part of this project, which means in clear that this camera will not be sold to Phase One.
- Sinar AG has no plans to provide adapter plates for either Phase One or Hasselblad digital backs.
- The Sinar Hy6 camera will be released by end of the second quarter of 2007: Production is started with the 0-series to be ready in a few weeks.
- Prices, Upgrades and possibe Kits available will be communicated through the official Sinar distributors worldwide and in due time, except for Japan, China and Russia.
Thanks to all,
Sinar AG Switzerland