My problem boils down to how to get my Aperture library from the old computer to the new computer. If I copy the Aperture library onto an external drive and then plug that into the new computer can Photos or Capture 1, for example, import the Aperture library? If that is viable it may be the path of least resistance. Again, thanks for any advice.
Migrating from Aperture to Photos or to Lightroom is well documented. Just Google it and you will be taken to the Apple website and others.
The really important thing is that you should do this while Aperture is still working.
Most of it involves basic housekeeping eg
1. Making sure all of the originals are external to the database (Referenced and NOT Managed) and that the there are no missing originals
2. Setting the previews to full size. This last item takes the most time, possibly days, even weeks, so start now.
Once everything is ready then you can migrate, again ideally on the working machine.