I'm a bit rusty on this aspect of ICC profiles but I think it works like this in C1, the TRC curves are not used (you can strip away them and it will make no difference), instead conversion is made with the A2B0 table which converts from RGB to Lab with 1.8 gamma, so if you work in linear gamma floating point you need to apply gamma 1/1.8 (plus an expected film curve) before conversion, and then revert curve and gamma if you want to continue in linear space.
Hi "Void",BTW, thanks for sharing your comparison between Sony and Nikon. Personally, I don't think it is the compression that is causing the difference, but it is interesting to see how much cleaner the Nikon data is. Best regardsErik
IQ250 RAW files: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/fgircd45mbjf62r/AAC2evO6UQMAOxmQpLccyzmfa?dl=0
Thanks! Could you try Capture One for P45+ as well please?
Thanks! So scientifically there is no evidence that the colors from pushed shadow out of a current Sony CMOS sensor (e.g. D7000/D800E/IQ250/645Z etc) look more disappointing than those pushed from the CCD shadows.