Check Microstockgroup: In general the new stock photo sites have a dismal record of actually selling anything no matter what the business plan. Lots of stock images submitted to new stock sites mysteriously turn up on overseas pirate sites. So beware the outright theft danger and the waste of time even legitimate start-up sites will cost you.
I've seen it dozens of times where the most promising hype and most generous promises of good commission rates are the fastest to fail. The odd thing about this is that so many otherwise savvy folks get taken in by these glowing projections. I'd peg the failure rate of the 20 to 30 (maybe more) new stock sites per year at 99% And of the sites that are still in business after one year the chances of getting even a minimum payout is almost zero.
I no longer upload to my five stock sites because it just doesn't pay enough to keep submitting. I'm content to just collect payouts from old images. My opinion is that any microstock site that isn't in the top 5 or 6 as listed on the above site is a complete waste of time.